Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Finds #82

Friday Finds is a book meme hosted by Jenn at A Daily Rhythm. Friday Finds is a chance to share and show off the books you discovered during the week and would like to add to your reading list... 

Or a place to simply feature the books you've actually purchased throughout the week and have added to your to be read pile!

This week I've added the following books to my ever growing 'to be read' pile this week:

Frankenstein's Cat: Cuddling Up To Biotech's Brave New Beasts by Emily Anthes

I added the following two books to my reading wishlist:

Selfish, Shallow, and Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not to Have Kids by Meghan Daum

Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts--Becoming the Person You Want to Be by Marshall Goldsmith & Mark Reiter


  1. Thanks for stopping by for FFs - you've got a strong list of nonfic lined up.
    I do like them, just take longer to read thoughtfully and my current 2 for review are probably what I should be
    facing! Just luving the Short Story Month break at the moment :)

    1. Thanks for leaving me a comment!!

      Yes, strong nonfiction post for me this week. I read books from nearly every genre. I like nonfiction, but honestly, don't read as much from this genre as I would like because it does take longer to read through them.

      I am actually reading a book of flash fiction, which is perfect for short story month. I didn't even know it was short story month.

  2. Looks like some interesting books! The one about sixteen writers and their decision not to have kids sounds really interesting.

  3. I discovered Selfish, Shallow and Self-Absorbed from a podcast yesterday and I'm intrigued by the way it sounds.

    Jocelyn @ Jooniel Obsesses over Stories
