Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday -- Ten Book Related Problems I Have

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

The following are my top ten book related book problems I have in no particular order:

1. Having more books in my 'to be read pile' than I can possibly read in several years... Or my lifetime! 
2. Yet, I still want to keep adding more books to my reading pile!
3. I'm addicted to not only buying books, but downloading free ebooks from Amazon to my Kindle... This year I have a goal of not buying any more books or downloading any free ebooks from Amazon during 2015... I've already purchased 3 or is 4 more books so far this year already, yikes!
4. I can't pass up visiting indie bookstores or FOL Used Bookstores, where inevitably, I end up buying more books.
5. Being interrupted while reading, especially if it's in an exciting/crucial scene!
6. Staying up late to read a book that is impossible to put down because it's so good.
7. Donating, giving away, or selling some of my unread books that I once bought for myself because I thought I wanted to read them at the time... Then decided I didn't want to read them after all due to changing tastes, etc.
8. Reading more than one book at a time... Right now, I'm currently reading three different novels and a nonfiction novel. It would be nice to focus on one book at a time.
9. I'm in need of new book shelves!! We moved last year from Southern California to Northern California and when we moved, we donated our old bookshelves. We've yet to replace them, so most of my books are still sitting in boxes waiting to be unpacked and places onto bookshelves. 
10. Putting off doing other tasks to read instead!
11. Needing a library card!!
12. Bringing more books with me on vacation than I actually need!

What are your book related problems?


  1. Great list! I have the same problem with my TBR list. And for every book I read, I add ten more to my list. It never, ever ends!

  2. Great list. I can totally relate to most of it.
    What is it with those TBR piles, they just keeps on multiplying, all.the.time.

  3. I just recently made an effort to slow down my Amazon freebie one-clicking. It was getting ridiculous. It seems like we have a lot of the same problems! I can't part with any of my books though. I'm a book hoarder. Great list!

    Michelle @ Michelle's Minions

    My TTT

  4. I love staying up late reading a book. Library book sales and indie bookstores are my weaknesses. I can't pass up browsing through books at both.

  5. I can relate to your list! My husband is going to retire in four or five years so I have been donating books I know I won't read again (or read the first time!) We have to downsize so the books are my job to downsize. It's a sometimes painful process. I have started reading more library books in the last few months and that's a great feeling.

  6. I have such a problem with bookstores, too! I can never resist. And I think I'm reading between 6 and 7 books right now. Oops.

    Thanks for visiting my blog!

  7. Even with a library card I'm TERRIBLE at going to the library before the bookstore. I should get better about that.

    And OMG so with you on library sales!

  8. Library book sales are the best! I keep three dollars in my wallet, set aside specifically for this purpose.

  9. #1 is so completely me... I honestly don't know how anyone can keep their TBR under 400 lol.

  10. Good luck with the third point, I'm totally failing xD
    Point 10 sounds like a good idea, maybe I should check out our library, too.

  11. Oh gosh... I got a couple books on Kindle because, well, they're usually cheaper than buying the physical book right? Of COURSE, with my luck, I ended up forgetting about them and when I did a quick spring cleaning on my Kindle I re-found them again. Problem is... I already read the books from the library. D: My memory's so horrible. I need to remedy this...

    I've been trading my books lately. Mostly they're books I've already read, and I want others to enjoy them too, but sometimes there's someone who casually mentions they're looking for a certain book that I have and I end up giving it to them because... yeah. That's how I am. xD

  12. OMG! Get out of my head! I think all of yours apply to me. I'm laughing so hard while I read your list because that's exactly me. And what's up with that Amazon free books? I can't stop downloading them. And number one is the best because who wants to admit that you probably won't ever in a lifetime read everything on your TBR. this is a great last thanks for sharing and thanks for the visit.

  13. Great List. I have a lot of the same problems. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting earlier.

  14. Oh, yeah - I love used book sales @ libraries, too!!! I also save free Kindle books from Amazon to my iCloud - and I have yet to read them.

  15. Great list. I forgot about library sales and the used book store in town.

  16. Great list, I can totally relate with 4-7.

  17. I couldn't read as much as I do without my library!

  18. You made me laugh with your #3 goal to not get anything from Amazon. That's a goal I would never meet. I confess. I'm a book addict. LOL

  19. Sounds like most of your problems relate to books you own i pretty much only use the library. If I bought every book I read last year in paperback (most were hardcover) it would have been over $1,500.00. That's a trip!

  20. Yes, go get a library card! It will be a great help for lots of these problems.

    Or it could add to your problems as you may bring more books into your home....

  21. One problem I DON'T have is downloading free Kindle books. For some reason (and I know this isn't the case at all), I think of "free" books as "bad" books. Not sure why! But I have so much to read to begin with, I just never think of getting MORE books to put on my Kindle. Oh, and #8, I always read one book at a time. I have tried in the past to read more than one book and what happens is I never finish anything, ha ha! Great list:-D

  22. #1, #2, and #10...Me too! I have the same issues in various degrees too. Thanks for visiting me and my blog. LOL! :D Great list.

  23. I don't know what I would do without the library, it helps me balance my book buying a lot! Although the library book sales always get me...I can't turn down a book for $1!

  24. Great list. I've lost track of the amount of free books I downloaded onto my Kindle in the last few years - probably a few hundred.

  25. I'm always reading 3 books at a time! One ebook, one print and one audio. I barely remember a time when it was different!

  26. Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who brings too many books on vacation! Yet, somehow I went to South Africa for four months and only took one book. I think I read that book about 10 times before I found a bookstore. :)

    Here's my TTT: http://iblog4books.blogspot.com/2015/02/ten-book-related-problems-i-have.html

  27. I enjoyed reading your list and can relate in several areas. :-) Your #7 is so hard for me, but necessary. I've done that twice in the last five years and it felt so good after, even if a little sad. My overflowing shelves were grateful too. I kept reminding myself as I selected books to donate that if I ended up wanting to read the book at some later date, I could always check it out from the library or seek it out again.

  28. I am with you on the having more books I could ever read in my lifetime. It's funny to think that just a few years ago I was rereading books because I didn't have enough to read! I can't even fathom that now! Bringing books on vacation is always so funny to me. I ALWAYS overpack and bring a million more books than I could ever get to. I guess I just like having them there as options? Great list!

  29. I have no idea how you are able to read more than 1 book at a time. I can only do that if one of those books is an audio book. Great list! :)

  30. If I actually read all my TBR books, it would probably take my entire lifetime. And yet, it's nice to know that I'll never run out of books I want to read. :)

  31. Numbers one and two are the freaking story of my life! My list keeps growing... Oh well!

    Here are my Top Ten!

  32. oh I'm so with you on all of these! especially buying more books even though I've got a storage building FULL of boxes of books! commiseration has been so much fun today!

  33. Great list! I also have the problem of reading more than one book at a time. It can be really distracting, but then what I want to read always depends on my mood, so I always end up jumping from book to book.

  34. lol, I like to think that the next time I fly, I will be able to get away with just my kindle. Perhaps that is wishful thinking though.
    You do need a library card!;)
    I have the same problem with needing more bookcases.

  35. Being interrupted is always a bummer. I can't image the torture of having my books just sitting in boxes. You poor thing! Have you tried to go online for a library card? I went online and got mine in the mail, which made me kind of have to go check out the library, at least the overdrive audiobooks online. Great list Girlfriend!

  36. Great list! I could relate to so many of your points! :-) Us bookworms are all so similar. Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  37. Hi,
    I understand the Kindle books. There are so, so many free ones I've been wanting to read but I just keep getting more so it just keeps getting put off!
    Great list!

  38. I have so many of the same problems! I hate it when people interrupt me when I'm reading but there are times I don't even hear them because I'm so focused on my book. These last years when I go on vacation I just bring my ereader. Then I never have the problem of bringing to many or not enough books with me.
    Thanks for stopping by my post!

    El @ So Bookalicious

  39. I can't really focus on more than one book at a time and really had to convince myself to start an audiobook beside the physical book I was reading during my commute and it just feels a bit wrong... I actually admire you for being able to read multiple books at once!
    And ugh! People should really learn that interrupting someone when they're reading is not ok.
    Also, the bringing many books on vacation thing is sorta resolved these days because I have an e-reader and it allows me to bring ALL the books while having to add NONE of the extra weight :)

  40. #5! It never fails. If I'm in the middle of a great book, someone will interrupt and get a death stare. It is a serious problem!

  41. I always have to bring books on vacation, usually a whole separate bag. Drives my husband crazy because I bring so many. But I never know what mood I will be in when we are on vacation so I need options. It definitely helped me when he got sick on our vacation to Europe and spent a day sleeping. At least I had my books :)

  42. Haha, I have an awesome library because you don't actually need a library card to check out books. I mean, you do need to OWN one, but you can just log in on the check-out machines with your username and password from the website, and check out your books that way. It's the option for people who forgot their library cards. I "forget" mine a lot. :)

  43. I definitely need a new bookshelf as well, since books have moved to taking up space on my desk shelves too! I hear you about donating/giving away books. The problem is sometimes the Library won't accept donations, so then I have no idea what do with my books that I have no interest in anymore lol. Funnily enough, I don't really use my ereader so I haven't downloaded a lot of books. But yeah, booknerd problems are definitely real :). Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  44. I think we all have the problem of buying too many books. And I, too, have more books on my TBR list than I'll get through in the next few years. I didn't make a goal of not buying more books, but I did make a goal of reading all the books (close to 50) that have been sitting on my kindle forever. So far, I've gotten several from the library this year and I need to knock that off and focus on my kindle. :D Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great week! :D

  45. I didn't have time to do a Top Ten list this week, but I could probably just copy & paste yours! LOL Seriously, I think your 12 items would resonate with any avid reader. Enjoyed your post so much!

  46. Gahh I have such a freebie addiction too even though I cant remember the last time I actually read a freebie lol... and my TBR is crazy too! Great list!

    Teresa @ Readers Live A Thousand Lives

  47. I have pretty much all of these, except needing a library card. I have two of those. And needing bookshelves - we have a lot already, although when you say enough - well, are there ever enough? ;-) As for ebooks, I did manage to stop getting freebies but I'm still a sucker for some of the bargain ebooks - and I'm having a terrible time cutting back on NetGalley ARCs.

  48. Free books from Amazon is such huge problem! I still have books I purchased for free which are like, three months old!

  49. You need to get a library card ASAP! Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  50. Great list! The growing tbr one is most definitely the top of mine as well! I have so many books I have purchased but I keep going back to the bookstore for more haha. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week :)
