Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday --- Top Ten Books I Read In 2014

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Okay, I've read a lot of fabulous books this year in 2014, so narrowing down my list of top ten favorites is going to be difficult to do!! 

1. Larger Than Life by Jodi Picoult

2. Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage by Elizabeth Gilbert

3. The Professor and the Madman by Simon Winchester

4. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

5. The Soloist by Steve Lopez

Pure Sex by Lucinda Betts, Bonnie Edwards, & Sasha White

7. Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

8. Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers

9. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

10. The Selkie Spell by Sophie Moss

Above links are to my reviews of each of the above books in case you wanted to read my personal thoughts for each book on my Top Ten Tuesday post this week!

So, which books became your favorite books in 2014?


  1. I love the His Fair Assassin series by Robin LaFevers too! It's such an amazing historical fiction twist. And Tfios too (of course). Great list! :)

  2. Speak is AMAZING! It has been years since I read it, but seeing it on your list definitely made me want to read it again :)
    Thanks for stopping by at my blog earlier :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Happy reading!

  3. Dark Triumph made my list this week, too. :) Great picks!

  4. Great list. I read Speak a few years ago and loved it! I have read so many great books this year that it would be hard for me to narrow it down.

    1. I also read so many good books this year and I also had a difficult time narrowing down my list of choices. Thanks for stopping by!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi! TFIOS was on my top ten books last year and I definitely understand why its included on yours! Its such a great book. I haven't read any Jodi Picoult book, I think I'm gonna check out Larger than Life! :) Great list!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Happy reading!!

  7. I haven't read any of your list, none are my kind of books, but I'm glad you loved them!! Thanks for sharing! Here's my Favorite Books of 2014.

    1. Thanks for stopping by and posting a comment. Have a happy year of reading in 2015.

  8. I still need to read Larger Than Life. Seeing it at number one here gives me some incentive. I should also probably just give in and go get the His Fair Assassin series. So many people are raving about it. Great list! Thanks for stopping by Michelle's Minions!

    1. Larger Than Life is a nice short story and a quick read. It makes me want to read the full length novel Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult as this novel expands on the story already put forth in Larger Than Life.

      I should also add that the above list of books is in no order of importance... I just listed the books I loved to read without thinking about which one I loved the most.Yes, Larger Than Life is in the number one slot, but I can't say that I loved it more than the other books.

  9. I really enjoyed Speak when I read it fairly recently. Looks like you've had a good reading year! Thanks for stopping by my blog! :-)

    1. Have a fabulous year of reading in 2015!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  10. I've also really enjoyed Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph... hoping to get Mortal Heart in from the library soon so I can finish out the trilogy! I read TFIOS a while ago, but saw the movie this year-- so many tears!

    1. I haven't seen the movie version because I don't wsant tostart crying all over again!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a post. :-)

  11. What a great list! I read Profess and the Madman probably a decade ago and just donated it somewhere. TFIOS was, of course, great, and I'm familiar with some of these others as well. Great list. Here's mine.

    1. Thank you for the compliment!! I am surprised that I didn't read The Professor and the Madman sooner as I'd heard about it in the late 1990s. I'm glad that I finally listened to the unabridged audio version.

  12. I love, love, love Grace Mercy. I still need to read the final book in the trilogy, but it is a series definitely in my top ten fav trilogies.

    1. I still need to read Mortal Heart too.... I'm to do do in 2015!!

  13. The Fault in Our Stars!! <3 so happy to see it made your Tops list. :D

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a message!! Happy reading to you in 2015!!

  14. Grave Mercy is on my want to read list. I'm glad it was good enough to make your top reads of the year. My sister read the Fault of Our Stars, but she said it was probably to sad for me.

    1. Yes, the Fault in Our Stars is sad and had me cry in several parts. But it was an awesome read.

      If you don't like sad books, I think you'll love Grave Mercy!! It's historical fiction at its finest! I am really enjoying the His Fair Assassin trilogy.

  15. I loved the whole His Fair Assassin series, too, but I only put one of the books on my list today. There are several of your books I haven't heard of, so I definitely need to check them out.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier, Lisa. Have a terrific Tuesday.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks for stopping by as well!! Happy reading to you in 2015.

  16. Loved Grave Mercy, but actually read it last year so couldn't put it on 2014 list. Still need to finish the trilogy. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Happy Tuesday! :D

    1. I still to read the last novel in the trilogy too!! Happy Tuesday to you as well!

  17. TFIOS is one of my favorite reads of this year too. But since I reread it I didn't include it in my list. I haven't read any of the other books you picked so far.
    Thanks for stopping by my post earlier!

    El @ So Bookalicious

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment. :-)

  18. SPEAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that books. And yes, Grave Mercy and Dark Triumph are incredible. here's my TTT

    Also, I still have my $30 Amazon giveaway going.

    1. Have a fabulous day! The $30 Amazon giveaway sounds awesome!

  19. Yes, I adore the His Fair Assassins series! I even made my sister read them, too. :) Great list!

  20. The Fault in Our Stars, Grave Mercy, and Dark Triumph are all some of my favorite books. Great list, and thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. Happy reading to you in 2015!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment.

  21. Looks like you had a great reading year! Laurie Halse Anderson is one of my favorites.

    1. I look forward to reading more books by Laurie Halse Anderson. Happy reading to you in 2015!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment.

  22. I loved the His Fair Assassin series! Fabulous list!

    1. Thank you for the compliment. Happy reading to you in 2015!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment.

  23. I haven't read Speak yet, but I need to!
    thanks for stopping by my TTT

    1. Have a fabulous day and thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment.

  24. HIS FAIR ASSASSIN. So awesome! I mean, assassin nuns. What's not to love?

    Also, it's so hard for me to find others that read Jodi Picoult! Have you read Nineteen Minutes or The Pact? LOVE.

    1. Larger Than Life is my 1st read by Jodi Picoult!! I can't believe I've waited this long to read something by her!! I have other books on my ever growing reading wishlist, but would like to read Leaving Time next as it expands or rather moves the storyline along from Larger Than Life.

  25. I need to read the His Fair Assassin series - it sounds like it's right up my alley!

    1. I am enjoying the His Fair Assassin series a lot. I first learned about it from a book group I'd joined.

  26. I enjoyed The Fault of Our Stars but I think because of all the hype I was expecting more of it.

    1. Funny, I've felt the same exact way about other books I've read in the past too. Sometimes the book hype ends up being better than the book.

  27. I read The Fault in Our Stars last year and really enjoyed it. I'll have to check out some of the others on your list. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

    1. Have a happy year of reading in 2015!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  28. I still need to read Robin LaFevers! It's good to see people being enthusiastic; a couple of reviewers I normally trust didn't like the books much. Great list!

    My list.

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

  29. Grave Mercy was so good!! I still need to read the rest of that series and I hope to do so in 2015! So many books...so little time

    My TTT is here.

    1. I look forward to finishing the His Fair Assassin Trilogy.

  30. The Fault in our Stars is a fantastic book! I have Grave Mercy on my shelf and I have yet to read--I'm really excited about the series because I've heard so many good things about it! I also have read Speak and love Anderson's work. Have you read her newest one--The Impossible Knife of Memory? -Katie @ Spirit of Children's Literature

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!! I haven't read anything else by Laurie Halse Anderson, but have several of her book titles on my ever expanding reading wishlist.

  31. I STILL need to read The Fault in Our Stars! I totally meant to do that this year too!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving me a comment!! Happy reading to you in 2015!

  32. Quite a few of these titles are new to me, so I will have to check them out.

  33. I read THE FAULT IN OUR STARS and cried all the tears. I have GRAVE MERCY and DARK TRIUMPH and need to read them at some point. Also, SPEAK! I read that in middle school and don't remember much, but I read Anderson's THE IMPOSSIBLE KNIFE OF MEMORY this year and LOVED it, so now I want to read all of her books. Thanks for stopping by!

    Rachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf

    1. I cried so many tears too while reading The Fault in Our Stars!! In fact, I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the movie version because I don't want to cry all over again!!

      Thanks for leaving me a comment!

  34. Ohhh The Fault in Our Stars! Yes, SO good! I have to read Speak too, I have heard such wonderful things about it! Great list :)

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

  35. Ah, The Fault in Our Stars... such a sweet but sad book! I've been meaning to read Speak. Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Thanks for stop by and leaving me a comment!!

  38. I want to read Grave Mercy!!!!!

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. The His Fair Assassin Trilogy is so good... I only have Mortal Heart left to read.

  39. I loved The Fault in Our Stars! Totally made me bawl like a baby.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Here's our Top Ten Tuesday Post this week

    Danee @ Fiction Function

    1. It had me crying too!! Thanks for leaving me a comment. Have a fabulous year of reading in 2015!!

  40. Speak was definitely a really impactful book for me when I read it back in high school, so I'm glad you loved it!

    1. Speak was definitely a powerful read... I can't believe it's a challenged book!! I kind of think it's one of tose books that needs to be read and discussed.

  41. I'll be the dissenter here... I hated The Fault in Our Stars! Just not the book for me. I remember liking Speak quite a bit when I read it years ago. Hope you have a fabulous year of reading in 2015!

    1. Lol, that's fine that you didn't like/enjoy The Fault in Our Stars!! Not everyone likes the same books. I hope you have a fabulous year of reading in 2015 as well!!

  42. Yes, Fault In Our Stars is the best! Robin LaFevers books almost made my list, they're just so awesome!

    Thanks for stopping by The Story Goes...

  43. I haven't read any of those books but thanks for sharing them with us.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  44. I have been meaning to read Grave Mercy ever since it came out!

    1. I hope you like it when you read it... I just need to finish of the trilogy by reading Mortal Heart!

  45. I remember loving Speak when I read it years ago - glad it made your list as it reminds me that I need to reread it soon. I've also been seeing Grave Mercy around a lot so I think that is one I will need to pick up.

    1. I hope you have a chance to read Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers and the rest of the novels in the His Fair Assassin Trilogy because they are awesome!
