Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters


Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters had been on my reading wishlist for a longtime. I'm so glad I finally listened to the unabridged audio version of this classic. 

Listening time for Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters is 4 hours, 24 minutes, which makes for a quick read if that's your thing!

The audio edition I listened to of Spoon River Anthology was dramatized by a full cast of narrators, which I truly enjoyed. I almost felt like I was listening to an old-time radio broadcast due to the different, unique narrations for each character in this book.

Although, I enjoyed Spoon River Anthology, I initially found it difficult to follow the flow of various monologues written in free verse poetry. It's a unique way to write a book. It was pretty easy to grasp the concept right away and go with the flow of the book shortly after I began listening to it.

Have you ever wondered what someone say if they came back from the grave? The Spoon River Anthology answers this scenario in its own unique way by having the characters from the fictional town of Spoon River, discuss their life here on Earth after they've already died. Each character is quite colorful. Some of the characters were horrible people, while others were good people.

Below is the publisher's summary for Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters from Amazon's website:

In 1915, Edgar Lee Masters published a book of dramatic monologues written in free verse about a fictional town called Spoon River, based on the Midwestern towns where he grew up. The shocking scandals and secret tragedies of Spoon River were immediately recognized by readers as authentic. Masters raises the dead “sleeping on the hill” in their village cemetery to tell the truth about their lives, and their testimony topples the American myth of the moral superiority of small-town life. Spoon River, as undeniably corrupt and cruel as the big city, is home to murderers, drunkards, crooked bankers, lechers, bitter wives, abusive husbands, failed dreamers, and a few good souls. The freshness of this masterpiece undiminished, Spoon River Anthology remains a landmark of American literature.

I am giving Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters a rating of 3 stars out of 5 stars.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

Monday, February 3, 2025

Bookish Quote of the Day!!


Marsh's Library is the Oldest Public Library in Dublin, Ireland!


Marsh's Library in Dublin, Ireland was founded in 1707 and was the 1st public library in Ireland! Marsh's library has a collection of over 25,000 books, 300 manuscripts, and was founded by Narcissus Marsh. I obtained this information from Wikipedia. Click on the above link to read more about Marsh's Library!

Side note, I don't think the library locks patrons/readers inside cages any longer in an effort to prevent them from stealing their rare books. However, it sounds like they did at one time. 

View the following photo of the "caged" reading rooms where readers sat inside while they were reviewing rare books.

Additionally, I discovered that Marsh's Library is situated next to St Patrick's Cathedral. Author, Jonathan Swift, is buried at St. Patrick's Cathedral. So, it may be worthwhile to visit St. Patrick's Cathedral and also Swift's burial site before or after visiting Marsh's Library.

Below is a short video, which showcases the interior of Marsh's Library!

Marsh's Library looks amazing!! I would love to visit this library along with St. Patrick's Cathedral some day.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather


I listened to the unabridged audio version of Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather, which was nicely narrated by Pete Cross. Listening time for Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather is 7 hours, 35 minutes.

Death Comes For The Archbishop is the second book I've read by Willa Cather. I had enjoyed this novel so much more than I did My Mortal Enemy by Willa Cather.

I enjoy reading the classics and historical fiction and Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather fits this bill very well. 

Death Comes For The Archbishop is loosely based on the life of Jean-Baptiste Lamy, a French-American Roman Catholic prelate who served as the first Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

I loved how Willa Cather chronicles what life may have actually been like in the US Southwest during a time period where life was still greatly influenced by Mexican and Native American customs and beliefs despite the fact that the area was governed by American Law. Plus, I read about the lives of the bishops infiltrating the US Southwest and what life was like for them during this time as well. It all made for interesting reading that felt like reading the actual, real life historical events as they unfolded.

Below is the publisher's summary for Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather from Chirp's website:

In 1851, Father Jean Marie Latour becomes the Apostolic Vicar to New Mexico. While the area is American by law, it’s still Mexican and Indian by custom and belief. During the years that follow, Latour tirelessly but gently spreads his faith while facing external and internal obstacles. Loosely based on the life of Jean-Baptiste Lamy and the construction of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, this novel chronicles the events that occur after the capture of the southwest by American forces during the Mexican-American war.

I am giving Death Comes For The Archbishop by Willa Cather a rating of 3 stars out of 5 stars.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Alta Journal's California Book Club - The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen


I love attending Alta Journal's California Book Club monthly virtual author events. These events are amazing! I really love the content for these virtual events and how they are presented. The hosts, authors and other speakers brought in for these events offer insightful and engaging conversation about each book that's chosen for that particular month's book club selection! The fact that these events are virtual makes it great for me as I can watch the events from the comfort of my own home.

I've read The Sympathizer by Viet Thanh Nguyen back in 2022 and enjoyed it. I found the discussion about this novel to be enlightening as I learned some new things/thoughts about the book during this virtual event.

Do you enjoy attending author events? Have you attended any author events recently?

Bookish Quote of the Day!!


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Shameless by Brian Tyler Cohen


I've had a busy start to my year. So, essentially, I haven't had much time to read this month.

Additionally, I totally switched gears and ended up starting and finishing Shameless by Brian Tyler Cohen as my first read of 2025 (vs. starting and finishing Burial Rites by Hannah Kent as my first read of 2025).

I first became acquainted with Brian Tyler Cohen through watching his very popular YouTube channel. Cohen's YouTube channel discusses all things politics.

When I learned last year that Brian Taylor Cohen was coming out with his very first book, Shameless, I decided to read it. I listened to the unabridged audio version of Shameless, which is narrated by the author. Shameless is a quick listen at 4 hours, 38 minutes.

So, what did I think of Brian Tyler Cohen's book Shameless? First of all, I loved that Brian Tyler Cohen narrated his own book. As it would have been weird for me to listen to someone else read Shameless when I'm use to listening to Brian Tyler Cohen speak on his YouTube channel. 

As far as Shameless itself goes, I enjoyed it overall. I felt like Brian Tyler Cohen covered the history of the Republican Party and how Republicans have gone about sabotaging Democrats and undermining democracy by citing specific examples throughout Shameless. The Republican Party seems to have drastically changed since Abraham Lincoln's time. 

I also learned how Democrats could improve their effectiveness in the political arena by not falling for the Republican Party's tactics for misdirection. Many other things were discussed on the topic of how Democrats and Republicans interact and function, providing food for thought.

The last chapter of Shameless focuses on how we as individuals can empower others close to us to take action and change the fate of our nation and democracy for the better.

Below is the publisher's summary for Shameless by Brian Tyler Cohen from Chirp's website:

Written by an MSNBC contributor, this #1 New York Times bestseller and 2024 release offers an analysis of the current state of US politics — and outlines its impact on the present and future of democracy.

Publisher Description


From the first content creator to interview President Biden, leading progressive voice Brian Tyler Cohen takes a step back from the day-to-day news cycle to explain how American politics has turned into such a dumpster fire—and what Democrats need to do to get us out of it.

In Shameless, Brian Tyler Cohen lays bare the long con of the modern Republican Party. While the radical right continues hiding behind gaslighting maneuvers, artificial slogans, and hollow catchphrases, Cohen’s unflinching narrative illuminates the realities and dangers of the ever-widening gulf between the vaunted Republican brand and their actual behavior.

With a foreword by Congressman Jamie Raskin, drawing on interviews and insights from Pete Buttigieg, Mehdi Hasan, Jen Psaki, and other luminaries of the Left, Cohen reveals:How Republicans have leaned on their histor­ical branding to give themselves a permission structure to behave antithetically to everything they say; Why the mainstream media has proved itself a willing participant in this ongoing farce— particularly since the rise of toxic, sensational­ist MAGA mania; and What lessons Democrats can glean from a clear-eyed view of the landscape we’re operating in—and the steps we must take to rebalance our political landscape.

During this all-hands-on-deck moment in our his­tory, Shameless is essential reading for those seeking to understand our dire situation, and a rallying cry for those fighting to preserve democracy.

I am giving Shameless by Brian Tyler Cohen a rating of 3 stars out of 5 stars.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

The Education Department Is Calling Book Bans a ‘Hoax’!!!

Oh, my word!! Seriously? There's "a Department of Education announcement that called bans a “hoax”? 

Yesterday, I read an article published on the Associated Press website titled, Free speech organizations denounce Education Department’s calling book bans a ‘hoax’. In the Associated Press article, it states:

“The department is beginning the process of restoring the fundamental rights of parents to direct their children’s education,” the department’s acting assistant secretary for civil rights, Craig Trainor, said in a statement. The DOE’s announcement is headlined: “U.S. Department of Education Ends Biden’s Book Ban Hoax.”

Such language is “alarming and dismissive of the students, educators, librarians, and authors who have firsthand experiences of censorship happening within school libraries and classrooms,” said Kasey Meehan, who directs PEN America’s Freedom to Read program.

The library association called the department’s announcement part of a “cruel and headlong effort to terminate protections from discrimination for LGBTQIA+ students and students of color.”
What is this world coming to? Free speech and freedom to read what we want is at stake. I am a taxpayer. I want my public library to be stocked with books that include diverse voices and perspectives.

Click on the above link to read the full story.

Top Ten Tuesday - New-to-Me Authors I Discovered in 2024

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Top Ten Tuesday was originally created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Below is a list of authors who've I have heard of before in prior years. However, I'd only read book(s) by them for the first time in 2024.

1. Peter Straub

2. Louise Erdrich

3. Laura Creedle

4. Ira Levin

5. David Morrell

6. Louise Murphy

7. John Marrs

8. Won-Pyung Sohn

9. Robin Sloan

10. Elizabeth Acevedo

Have you read books by any of the authors I've mentioned in this week's Top Ten Tuesday post?

Monday, January 27, 2025

Bookmarks Made From Old, Damaged Hardback Books!


I forget where I first learned about the idea of making bookmarks from old, damaged hardback books. But what a fabulous upcycle idea!! 

I would definitely love to own and use one of these bookmarks. Better yet, I would enjoy making one of them for myself as well!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Neil Gaiman's Continued Presence In the Media Due to Sexual Assault Allegations

Neil Gaiman has been in the news an awful lot the past year or so due to several sexual assault allegations. I've only been loosely following the situation, but things sound extremely dire at this time. 

Apparently, there is a very graphic article published on the Vulture titled, "There Is No Safe Word", that details the nitty gritty of the sexual assault allegations surrounding Neil Gaiman. I haven't read the Vulture article as I am not sure I want to read about the detailed atrocities if they're as graphic as I've heard from various sources.

I am not a fan of Neil Gaiman's work. I've read and reviewed three of his works here on my blog prior to learning about Gaiman's sexual allegations. I realize Neil Gaiman has (or has had) a HUGE fan base and following, but I was less then impressed with his writing. I personally decided not to read anymore of his novels based solely on the fact that his writing isn't for me.

But this post isn't really about how I feel about Neil Gaiman's literary body of work. His writing at some level has really resonated with many people, whom have loved his work over the years.

The real question or questions I suppose is how does one separate Neil Gaiman's writing genius and literary body of work from the man who has sexual assault allegations? Or do we, the reading public/world at large, make no distinction between the writer and the man accused of sexual assault allegations?

I'm not saying that one should condone or overlook this behavior, if in fact the sexual assault allegations against Neil Gaiman are true. If the sexual assault allegations are proven true in a court of law, does this sour one's view of Neil Gaiman and his writing? Would a reader/fan of Neil Gaiman still read, buy, recommend his books, or even attend author events featuring Neil Gaiman in the future based on his writing merit alone? Or does one stop promoting someone who becomes convicted of a serious crime, like sexual assault regardless of their talent?

Friday, January 17, 2025

I Found 27 New to Me Little Free Libraries in 2024!!

Each year, I am always amazed at how many new to me Little Free Libraries I discover! Last year, I found 27 new to me Little Free Libraries. This does not include all the Little Free Libraries I've revisited during 2024 either.

I've been asked by several people how I ending up finding so many LFLs each year. First of all, if you have a smartphone, then please download the Little Free Library app and create an account. From there, you can easily find Little Free Libraries that are close to where you live. If you travel out of town on vacation, day trips, work trips, etc., you can easily check the Little Free Library app to find the closest Little Free Libraries to your current location.

Once you find a Little Free Library, you can check into the Little Free Library using the app, which is an excellent way of keeping track of all the Little Free Libraries you've already found. This way you'll know if you've visited a LFL already or not. 

There's even a way to keep track of your favorite Little Free Libraries within the LFL app. You are also able to leave how many books you take or leave at a particular LFL as well.

I love using the LFL app and wish it had been created sooner!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Four New to Me Little Free Libraries in Solana Beach, California!

I'm so happy to have discovered four new to me Little Free Libraries with my husband in Solana Beach, California in December 2024. It's always exciting to find new to me Little Free Libraries and to explore which each one has to offer.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

New to Me Little Free Library In Carlsbad, California


This is the first Little Free Library I found in 2025! It's in Carlsbad, California, which is located in San Diego County. I've had this LFL on my radar for a quite a few years and am glad I finally found it this year.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish and Non-Bookish Goals for 2025

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Top Ten Tuesday was originally created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Below are ten things I am hoping to achieve during 2025 that are book related.

1. Read 52 books this year. I think reading one book a week is attainable. If I am able to read more books, then great!

2. Reading books I have in my current collection!! I tend to add way too many books to my 'to be read' pile throughout each year than I could possibly read. 

So, in an effort to whittle down my endless 'to be read' pile, I will attempt to curb my book addiction and not add anymore books to my current collection until next year. This will be a difficult task for me as I love trading books with others via Bookcrossing and also exchange books at Little Free Libraries. Plus, purchasing audiobooks via Chirp or ebooks from Amazon. Wish me luck on curbing my book addiction this year!!

3. Continue to visit Little Free Libraries this year and leave as many used books behind as possible for others to find and read. I hope to find new to me LFLs as well. I found 27 new to me LFLs in 2024.

4. Continue attending virtual author events as time and interest permits this year. I love attending virtual author events and attended several of them last year from the comfort of my own home.

5. Reorganize my bookshelves! I need to reorganize my books in a better way that makes finding books easier. Plus, make my bookshelves look more aesthetically pleasing.

6. Work on improving my knitting skills.

7. Finish knitting several works in progress.

8. Knit a tie for my husband.

9. Continue learning to crochet.

10. I gained 20 pounds last year! So, lose the weight this year I've gained through better eating habits and begin to exercise again.

What are your bookish and/or non-bookish goals for 2025?

Sunday, January 12, 2025

New to Me Little Free Library in San Diego, California


This is another Little Free Library I discovered in San Diego, California last year while visiting family for the holidays in December. 

This LFL is standing in front of an apartment complex that offers views of the San Diego Airport.

New to Me Little Free Library in Del Mar, California!

Yes, to discovering this Little Free Library in Del Mar, California on Christmas Day. What a cute find! Have you found any LFLs lately?

Saturday, January 11, 2025

New to me Little Free Library in Encinitas, California!

Here's the second Little Free Library find last year while on vacation for the holidays in December to visit with family! 

This time my husband and I stopped off in Encinitas, California to find this cute LFL before enjoying lunch at a Filipino Restaurant.

Friday, January 10, 2025

New to me Little Free Library in Soledad, California


I'm so behind on my blog posts! 

Last year, while driving down to SoCal in December 2024 to visit family for the holidays, my husband and I stopped off in Soledad, California for among other things a LittleFree Library pitstop!

This particular location also had a Little Free Pantry onsite as well. The property was also well decorated for the holidays.

This was the first of many LFL finds while out of town on vacation for the holidays.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

First Read of 2025!! Here's What I'll Be Reading First This Year!!


I've had Burial Rites by Hannah Kent in my 'to be read' pile for a number of years now. It's time I finally read this historical fiction novel as I am a fan of the genre. 

Burial Rites is set in Iceland's stark landscape where we find Agnes awaiting execution while staying at an isolated farmhouse. Agnes has been convicted of brutally murdering her former master.

Which book will you start reading in 2025?