Thursday, March 21, 2019

Let Jane Austen Dictate Which Book You Should Read Next!!

Since I recently finished listening to the audio dramatization of Emma by Jane Austen a couple of days ago, I couldn't resist reading and sharing the following article from Bustle's website titled, The New Book To Read Next, Based On Your Favorite Jane Austen Novel by Kristian Wilson.

Since I've only read Emma by Jane Austen, I can't say it's my favorite Jane Austen novel even if I did enjoy listening to Emma immensely. With that said though, I must admit that it was fun to see which book was recommended to those who loved reading Emma by Jane Austen. I now have a few books to add to my ever growing reading wishlist.

If you're an avid Jane Austen fan, click on the above link to see which current new book you should read next based on your favorite Jane Austen novel.

Until my next post, happy reading to you!


  1. I am not quite an avid Austen fan. It is taking me years to get through her novels. I guess I read them because all of those avid fans make me feel like I should-:)

    1. Funny thing, but I felt compelled to read at least one Jane Austen novel as well during my lifetime due to all of her avid fans.
