Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Bookish Quote of the Day!!


  1. Ha Ha. In an effort to buy less books I bought some beauty products yesterday. They cost more than books!! Effort over.

    1. You know, in years past I would make New Year's resolutions NOT to buy any books in a calendar year... It never worked!

      This year, I've mainly acquired several books for FREE from Little Free Libraries, free downloads from Amazon and other sources, exchanges with other readers, Goodreads Giveaways, etc...

      Then yesterday happened and I actually purchased my first book of 2019 online for an upcoming author signing... I'm sure I'll be attending more author events this year and be buying books to have signed by various author events I attend throughout 2019.

      Otherwise, I'll stick to reading books in my overflowing 'tbr' pile.

      And yes, those beauty products are quite expensive!! I've been make-up free for 6 years and am happy to have cut that out of my budget.
