Tuesday, June 30, 2015

2015 Second Quarter Wrap Up Post!!

Wow, I can't believe that half of 2015 has now officially come and gone!! Time is really flying by quickly this year for me. 

The good news is that the first half of 2015 has been filled with many wonderful reads for me so far. My goal is to read or listen to 100 books this year. So far, I've read or listened to a total of 63 books this year. It looks like I'll reach my reading goal at this rate... Although I have some doubts about reaching my reading/listening goals as I plan to go back to school this Fall and this will take up a lot of my time that I would normally spend reading books. I'll just have to wait and see how things play out. Maybe I'll reach my reading goals despite returning to school later this year.

I already made a Top Ten Tuesday post earlier today titled Top Ten Books I've Read So Far In 2015. So, click on the link to see my top ten favorites for this year so far. It was definitely difficult to narrow down which book titles would make the top ten list as I've read so many wonderfully written books this year to date.

How is your year in reading going for you so far?


  1. Congratulations on your goal - you're doing so well! My goal is 150 books and I'm doing pretty well (it doesn't look like that because all the books I finished but still have to review are sitting on my currently reading shelf)! It's crazy to think this year is half over! It feels like just yesterday it was still February! Good luck in reaching your goal!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thank you, I am doing pretty well on reaching my reading goals so far this year!! I hope to met my goals before the end of 2015, But I do have a busy Fall planned, so hope to finish strong

      It sounds like you're doing awesome too in reaching your reading goals as well. I know it can be tough getting around to writing reviews of what you've read. I think there was a short period last year (or maybe the previous year) where I didn't review quite a few books as I just didn't have the time to write them.

      Yes, it crazy to think the year is halfway over with and that the 4th of July is upon us!! The older I become, the faster the time seems to fly by.
