Thursday, July 20, 2017

So What Exactly Does A Book Editor Do?

I've always had a rough idea of what a book editor does for a living, but after reading What Does A Book Editor Do? Macmillan's Rhoda Belleza Has Some Insight On The Covetable Job by Kerri Jarema, I have a better understanding of what a book editor does on a weekly basis.

In the article, Kerri Jarema wrote the following:
So we went right to the source to find out. You might recognize Rhoda Belleza's name from the cover of her popular YA fantasy book Empress Of A Thousand Skies. But did you know that she is an editor at Macmillan offshoot Imprint, too? She has worked on a ton of anticipated upcoming titles including The Wicker King by K. Ancrum; Ink, Iron and Glass by Gwen Clare; A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney; and Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Pérez.
"My day job as an editor can be pretty varied, but I’d say everything I do falls into three major categories," Belleza says. "Editing the book and supporting the author; advocating for the book and author; and networking and finding new content. There’s not really a typical work day because it’s so dependent on what deadline I need to hit."
So read on by clicking the very top link to learn more about the three major categories a book editor deals with on a weekly basis.


  1. Since I am interested in anything to do with books and publishing, I will read this. Thanks.

    1. Yes, I am the same way... I find books and publishing to be interesting to read about as well.
