Thursday, March 15, 2012

Have you ever thought of turning your blog into book form?

I happened across a website over the weekend called Blog2Print. What is Blog2Print? According to the Blog2Print's homepage it states:
Next time someone asks "How can I print my blog?" send them to Blog2Print. With a couple of clicks, you choose a cover, the posts you'd like to include, and you're on your way to creating your own Blog Book!

You pick

  • Cover
  • Images
  • Number and Order of Posts
  • Comments

Would you consider printing your blog and turning it into a book as a keepsake?

The idea of turning my blog into a printed keepsake book hasn't even occurred to me as I am new to the blogging community as of this year. 

Right now, I'm simply enjoying the process of blogging about the various book related topics that come to mind or book related topics that will hopefully make for great content and appeal to readers that discover my blog's website. 

Hopefully, you find the idea of turning your blog into a book appealing!! If you should turn your blog into a book using Blog2Print, let me know how it turns out!


  1. I have been offered since it came into play. However, I don't think I'd want any of my blogs as book... I have too many on the shelves as it is.

    Blogs are uniquely computer-generated and that's what I love about them; and that's how they should stay. :)

  2. I agree with you, Mozette.... "Blogs are uniquely computer-generated and that's what I love about them; and that's how they should stay. :)"
