Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 in Review & 2013 Blogging Goals!

First off, I'm thrilled to report that last year, I keep my blogging goal and posted daily (sometimes more than once daily) to Captivated Reader!! In fact, I made a total of 382 posts in all last year and all posts made were book related in some way.

I'm proud of my achievement as I had my doubts about being able to reach my goal of posting daily... Let alone, end up making 382 posts. But I did it!! 

The three main reason I had originally decided to post daily to Captivated reader, is as follows:

1. Was it even possible for me to find something 'book related' to blog about on a daily basis?

2. Make blogging a habit for me. I wanted to share my love of books and reading with others on a regular basis. Finding a way to connect with other readers and book lovers is important to me.

3. If I was going to start a blog, it was better to 'go big or go home'! Blogging regularly was a key issue for me in reaching the 'go big or go home' goal

I find it disappointing when I come across blogs that don't contain good content. Or the creator of the blog doesn't post very frequently. Or lastly, the blogger abandons their blog altogether and quits making posts. I don't want my blog to become one that I wouldn't want to read personally.

It was a struggle at times to find topics to blog about on a daily basis. Sometimes simply trying to motivate myself to make posts throughout 2012 was a difficult feat as I did find myself having blogger burnout at times. And, of course, if you become sick with a cold, dealing with the holiday season, or on vacation, etc., the desire to blog is the last thing on one's mind. The good news is that I persevered and reached my goal of blogging daily.

This year though, I'd like to make some changes. I still plan to post as frequently as possible. Just not on a daily basis. Of course, all posts will remain 'book related'. I want to focus more on quality content and less on quantity (posting daily). I also plan to do away with the "Bookish Quote of the Day!!" thread, unless I come across something that is so profound that I need to share it here.

As readers of my blog, what sort of 'book related' content would you like to read about most? How can I improve my blog to make it more interesting, entertaining and informative to read?


  1. Congratulations! This is no small feat, I know. I kept up a daily pace as long as I could and know what you mean about struggling some days to find something to say. But you did it! Congratulations! It's a huge accomplishment and I look forward to reading more. I don't have any specific suggestions. You come up with all kinds of interesting things all by yourself.

    1. Thank you for the kind words of congratulations on my daily blog posts! It means a lot. I'm glad you like my blog and interesting things I post about here on Captivated Reader. Have a Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year!!
