Monday, September 2, 2024

2024 High Summer Readathon - Wrap Up Post!

I didn't quite reach my goal of reading four specific novels I set out for myself to read for the 2024 High Summer Readathon as I had a two week reading slump mid-month.

I'm kind of surprised by my reading slump last month as I read so many books during the month of July. I simply thought I'd keep the momentum going during the month of August.

I did, however, read three books last month. I read and reviewed the following three books:

1. The Story of English in 100 Words by David Crystal (nonfiction)
2. Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar (fiction)
3. The True Story of Hansel and Gretel: A Novel of War and Survival by Louise Murphy (historical fiction/fairytale retelling)

Click on the links above to read my review of each book.


  1. August was a slower month for me too. I also read three books. We do what we can. Hopefully you're well out of your slump now. Thanks for joining us! Hope to see you at our next one. :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Yes, to moving forward and well out of my reading slump for now.

  2. I never really set reading goals for myself. I just read what I want when I want. Works for me!

    1. Usually, that's what I do too... As whenever I decide to select how many books I want read during a certain timeframe or which books I want to read, then something comes up and I don't end up reading as many books I'd like to read. Or I change my mind on what I want to read for something else depending on my mood.
