Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - Love Freebie - Bookish Things I L-O-V-E!


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Top Ten Tuesday was originally created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Below are the TOP TEN BOOKISH things I love!

1. I love visiting Little Free Libraries! I am actually addicted to visiting Little Free Libraries. I enjoy finding new to me Little Free Libraries as well as revisiting ones I've been to before. Each Little Free Library is so unique looking, which makes finding them so much fun. I enjoy leaving books for others to find and read at Little Free Libraries. 

Plus, I like the surprise of discovering which books are contained within each Little Free Library I visit. I've been able to find and snag wishlist books, discover new authors/books I've never heard of before, and even find popular books to take home and read. I even take the time to find Little Free Libraries while on vacations or day-trips.

2. I've been an avid member of Bookcrossing for 17 years this year. I love connecting with other avid readers/book lovers from around the world. You can register and share books with others through Bookcrossing and each person who receives and reads the book you've shared has the opportunity to make a journal entry rating the book and giving it a review which you can read about once a journal entry has been made. It's fun seeing what other people think about the same book you've already read. You can also participate in the Bookcrossing forum section on various topics, attend Bookcrossing conventions, participate in planned book exchanges, attend Bookcrossing meet-ups, and so much more! 

3. Attending author events/book festivals, whether in person or virtually is something I truly enjoy very much. There's nothing like hearing a favorite author talk about a new book they've written that's recently been published or about one you've already read by them.

4. Visiting my favorite indie bookstore(s) and also discovering new to me indie bookstores is another thing I enjoy doing. Each indie bookstore is so unique. Indie bookstores usually offer exceptional customer service, staff picks/recommendations, books from local authors, author events, and more. Buying locally and supporting small businesses is truly a wonderful thing!

5. I love discussing books with other readers. So, belonging to a book group or having a book buddy is fabulous as you can read the same book at the same time and discuss the book while it is still fresh in your mind. 

6. Blogging about books and anything bookish related is another way to share my passion about reading, authors, books, bookish news, etc. It's just another way to connect with other avid readers/book lovers.

7. The smell of new books! Some new books smell better than others... I'm currently reading a paperback book that smells really good.

8. I love coffee table books.They are so fun to flip through and are fun for guests that visit to look through as well.

9. Reading in one of my favorite spots with plenty of uninterrupted quiet time with or without a snack or beverage to enjoy while reading a captivating book is the ultimate favorite way to spend one's time.

10. I love using magnetic bookmarks while reading physical books as sometimes paper bookmarks can fall out causing one to lose their reading spot within the book they're reading.

Happy Valentine's Day to all! I hope you have an amazing day tomorrow enjoying time with someone you love and/or do something you love!!!


  1. OOh nice reasons! I pretty much agree with all of these except for magnetic bookmarks. I like the concept of them but the actual putting them into place takes too long! Lol. There are times when I need to quickly set my book down and not spend 1 minute or so putting a bookmark in.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I love coffee table books, too! I own several and whenever I'm bored one of my go-to activities is to flip through one of them. Often the one about chickens, a special favorite of mine.

  3. What a fun choice for this week's TTT! There's so much to love about books and reading. I love this post. :D

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