Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day - 7 Novels About Love Triangles!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of my blog readers! I hope you have a fabulous day today enjoying whatever you love doing... And of course spending time with loved ones as well!

I came across an article on Electric Literature titled, 7 novels About Love Triangles by Rheea Mukherjee. Love triangles make for an interesting topic for any novel or short story for that matter. 

Check out the 7 novels listed in Rheea Mukherjee's article and maybe you'll find your next read!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day Lisa! I hope your loves are not triangular, though love triangles do make for good stories.

    1. Thank you, Judy! No love triangles here thank goodness. Just some flash flood warnings from all the rain we're currently having.
