Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Fascinating Facts About Ray Bradbury

I came across an article about Ray Bradbury on Mental Floss's website titled, 10 Things You Should Know About Ray Bradbury by Stacy Conradt. 

I found the facts shared in Stacy Conradt's to be really interesting. I hope you do too! Check out the article by clicking the link above.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

7 Worthwhile Reasons to Start and/or Join a Feminist Book Club

I feel that women's issues and feminism in general are more important than ever these days. So, when I discovered an article on Bustle's website titled, 7 Ways A Feminist Book Club Can Change Your Life This Year by E. Ce Miller, I looked forward to reading the it. In the article, E. Ce Miller wrote the following:
It’s clear that the world is starting to change for women in a big way this year — and joining a feminist book club might be just one way to help yourself make sense of it all. Between the power of the Women’s Marches and the devastation of rampant sexual assault cases there’s a lot of gray area, and room for a whole lot of questions about what feminism means to you and where you might find your own place in it all. Reading some great feminist literature — and gathering together with some feminist book-lovers like yourself — might be exactly what you need to hold space for yourself and your questions, and start to work out some much-needed answers. Plus, by reading feminist literature you’ll be supporting women who, like the women of the #MeToo Movement today, have dared to tell hard stories about their lives. A book club and feminist activism all rolled into one? You can’t beat that.
I'd love to start or join an existing feminist book club, whether it is person meet-up type of book club or an online book club. There are so many great feminist works out there to be read and discussed with others! 

Monday, January 29, 2018

112 Fabulous Russian Writers!!

During my college years, I was a Russian language major and took quite a few Russian literature courses as electives. I eventually graduated with a BA in Russian. I have a special place in my heart for Russian literature and Russian writers.

Earlier today, I was excited to discover an article on Russia Beyond's website titled, 112 Russian writers ranging from great, to absolutely freaking great by Alexandra Guzeva.

I wasn't surprised to find that Alexander Pushkin took the top spot at #1... He's the cream of crop as far as writers go and it would be difficult to top him! 

Leo Tolstoy, Fydor Dostoyevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgenev (one of my favorite Russian writers), Mikhail Lermontov (another favorite Russian writer of mine), Anton Chekhov, Maxim Gorky, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Boris Pasternak all landed in the top ten spots for best Russian writers. 

I must admit that I was a tad disappointed that Mikhail Bulgakov didn't make it on to the top 20 list of best Russian writers. His novel, The Master and Margarita, is a MUST read! In fact, I am way overdue for a reread of this Russian classic.

The best part is that I haven't read anything written by most of the Russian writers mentioned in the above article. In fact, many of them, I've never even heard before! So, I have a lot of Russian writers to read and review in the future.

Do you enjoy reading Russian literature? Do you have a favorite Russian writer or Russian novel?

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Great News For These Debut Women Writers!!

Wow, spectacular news!! I learned today through an article on Bustle's website that The 2018 Finalists For The PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize For Debut Fiction Are All Women For The First Time Ever (article written by E. Ce Miller)! How cool is that?!

In the article, E. Ce Miller writes the following:
PEN America — the New York City-based nonprofit organization dedicated advancing both literature and human rights by defending free expression and championing writers in the United States and around the world — just announced the finalists for their 2018 Literary Awards today; and for the first time in PEN America history, the nominees in their Debut Fiction category are all women. How’s that for a list of female-forward fiction you’ll definitely want to add to your TBR pile?

PEN’s prestigious PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction was established to recognize a debut novel or short story collection that not only exemplifies some of the best of what fiction has to offer each year, but also as a way to bring attention to new work demonstrates great promise in a debut writer — so basically, we can’t wait to see what all these writers have in store for us next. And, definite added bonus, the award comes with a hefty $25,000 prize as well.
Check out the women authors that have made the list by click the link at the top of my post.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay & Kate Harding

Feminism Paperback Edition
I received an uncorrected, paperback edition of Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay & Kate Harding  through the Goodreads Giveaways program for Free!!

Below is my honest, unbiased review of Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay & Kate Harding.

I was really excited to read this feminist, nonfiction book when it arrived in the mail!! I am a feminist and I enjoy reading a wide variety of feminist works. I am not a Trump supporter or fan, so felt that it was important to read this timely collection of feminist essays. I found Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America to be an inspiring and empowering collection of essays to read as the essays highlight important topics/issues effecting women and minorities.

I enjoyed reading Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America very much. This anthology contains 23 essays, written by 23 diverse feminist writers, like Jill Filipovic, Katha Pollitt, Cheryl Strayed, Rebecca Solnit, Jessica Valenti, Sarah Jaffe, and many more.

My personal favorite essays from Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America include the following:

1. "Beyond the Pussy Hats" by Katha Pollitt
2. "Advice to Grace in Ghana: Trump, the Global Gag Rule, and the Terror of Misinformation" by Jill Filipovic
3. "The Pathology of Donald Trump" by Sady Doyle
4. "Nasty Native Women" by Mary Kathryn Nagle
5. "Farewell to Meritocracy" by Jamia Wilson
6. "Trust Black Women" by Zerlina Maxwell
7. "How to Build a Movement" by Alicia Garza

I pretty much liked all the essays included in Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America with one exception... The only essay I didn't care for was "Country Crock" by Samantha Irby.

The following is a basic summary for Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay & Kate Harding from Amazon:
When 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump and 94 percent of black women voted for Hillary Clinton, how can women unite in Trump’s America? Nasty Women includes inspiring essays from a diverse group of talented women writers who seek to provide a broad look at how we got here and what we need to do to move forward.
I am giving Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay & Kate Harding a rating of 4 stars out of 5 stars.

As far as my 2018 reading goals go, Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump's America is the 1st of 12 books I plan to read that I received for FREE as part of a giveaway.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Laminated Jewelry Made From Vintage Books

I love unique jewelry and I also love books... So when I came across an article on Colossal titled, Laminated Jewelry Crafted from Vintage Books by Jeremy May, I couldn't wait to check out the jewelry online. The pieces of jewelry are pretty nifty! What do you think?

Monday, January 22, 2018

Interesting Facts About The Thesaurus

I came across an article on Mental Floss titled, 10 Fascinating Facts About The Thesaurus by Suzanne Raga. I enjoyed learning more facts about the thesaurus and its history! Happy reading!!

Friday, January 19, 2018

How Voice Actors Bring Audiobooks to Life

I love listening to audiobooks, so I enjoyed watching Suzy Jackson talk about being a voice actor. I hope you enjoy watching this video too!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Practical Tips For Anyone Who Wants To Write A Book

Do you want to write a book? I know that someday I'd like to write a book and have it published. 

So, when I discovered an article on Buzzfeed's website titled, 16 Practical Tips For Anyone Who Wants To Write A Book by Gyan Yankovich, I couldn't wait to read the practical tips provided.

I really liked the sixteen tips suggested in Gyan Yankovich's article and need to begin implementing them if I am ever going to write that first novel. At least I'm already practicing one of the recommended tips of reading a lot of fiction if I want to write fiction.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day!!

Not only is it Martin Luther King Jr Day today, it is also King's birthday. Had Martin Luther King Jr not been assassinated almost 50 year, he would have been 89 years old today.

I must admit that other than learning the basics of Martin Luther King Jr's life as a civil rights activist... Like King's famous, 'I have a dream' speech, King winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, and his assassination on April 4, 1968. I really don't know that much about his life... So, I am inspired to read more about King's life.

In an effort to learn more about Martin Luther King Jr's life, I've ordered a book titled, Why We Can't Wait by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Plus, I've also ordered another book titled, Dear Martin by Nic Stone. I'm looking forward to reading both books.

I came across an article online via Bustle's website titled, Author Nic Stone's Letter To Martin Luther King Jr. Is A Reminder To Remember The "Disobedience" by Nic Stone. I enjoyed reading this article very much and found it to be informative and thought provoking.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones

eBook Cozy Mystery Novel
The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones is the fourth book I've read by Falafel Jones... In fact, I chose to read The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones because I enjoyed reading three prior novels written by the author.

The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones is a cozy mystery novel approximately 205 pages in length. 

I must admit that I wasn't overly impressed with the first chapter or two of The Kewpie Killer. I felt like the start of The Kewpie Killer was a bit rocky and I almost gave up on reading it. The storyline and characters just weren't grabbing my attention like they had in the author's previous novels. 

AdditionallyThe Kewpie Killer needs some minor editing work throughout the novel to make it a better read overall... However, with that said, the storyline, plot development, and characters were good for The Kewpie Killer

I did like the main characters of Raquel and Frank a lot. I am hoping Falafel Jones writes another mystery novel that will feature these two characters solving another murder case together and also further exploring their budding romance in more detail.

The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones also had a lot of twists and turns that kept the story interesting. This novel also kept me guessing as to who the real killer was... The ending had a real kicker of a surprise that I didn't see coming either!

The following is a plot summary for The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones from Amazon:
It’s hard to be a tough investigative reporter when Mommy owns the paper, you lose your apartment and you have to move back home. There’s also no solace in your social life when you own at least one bridesmaid dress for every friend you have. Just ask rookie reporter, Raquel Flanagan.
The night Raquel covers a carnival opening, a Bearded Lady of questionable gender finds a dead farmer planted next to a Kewpie doll. Both the farmer and the doll sport straw hats and overalls. Anxious to prove herself to Mom, who is a pathological perfectionist, Raquel locates reports of additional victims dead next to dolls that match their occupations.
At first, no one believes Raquel's theory that a serial Kewpie Killer exists. Then, Raquel meets and falls for Eddie Franklin, a cop working Kewpie Killings in Florida. Eddie can’t leave his job and Raquel's mom wants her to run the paper in New York. Raquel doesn’t know what to do. She still hasn’t found a place to live and now someone’s sending her Kewpie reporters with tape over the eyes and mouths.
I am giving The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones a rating of 3 stars out of 5 stars.

As far as my reading goals go for 2018, The Kewpie Killer by Falafel Jones is the 3rd of 12 books I plan to read, which I obtained after May 2014.

Until my next post, happy reading!

Friday, January 12, 2018

50/50 Friday ~ Best/Worst Book Read in 2017

50/50 Friday is a meme hosted by Carrie @ The Butterfly Reads and Laura @ Blue Eye Books. This fun themed meme focuses on the opposite sides of books (best/worst, differing opinions, etc). Every week a new topic will give bloggers the chance to showcase their answers.

This week's topic is your Best/Worst Book Read in 2017! This is going to be a tough choice because I read 174 books last year and so many were great and so many were bad... How to decide which one is the best or the worst read???

I've chosen to focus on full length novels for my choices... Verses nonfiction and short stories!

My Best Reads For 2017

(click on above link to read my review)

(Click on above link to read my review)

My Worst Read For 2017

(Click on above link to read my review)

So, share with me your best and worst read of 2017 in the comment section below!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday --- Ten Books I Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn't Get To

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

I meant read the following ten books in 2017... And I am hoping to read them in 2018.

1. Nasty Women edited by Samhita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding 
2. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
3. Turtles All The Way Down by John Green
4. Orchid Fever by Eric Hansen
6. Pack of Two by Caroline Knapp
7. Love In A Nutshell by Janet Evanovich & Dorien Kelly
9. Black Run by Antonio Manzini
10. The Devil, The Lovers, & Me by Kimberlee Auerbach

Which books did you plan to read in 2017 and are hoping to read in 2018?

Monday, January 8, 2018

11 Literary Holidays You Need To Add To Your Calendar ASAP!!

I discovered some interesting literary holidays to add to my calendar through reading an article on Bustle's website titled, 11 Literary Holidays You Need To Add To Your Calendar If You're A Book-Lover by Sadie Trombetta. 

Some of these literary holidays were new to me, like High Five A Librarian Day and Dictionary Day! Other literary holidays, I'd heard of before, like Burns Supper.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane

Nonfiction eBook
I stumbled upon You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane purely by accident while surfing on Amazon's website at the start of January 2018. 

I received two Amazon gift cards as Christmas gifts in 2017 from family members who know I love to read. So, I was looking for ebooks to purchase and read on my Kindle, when I came across You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane for $1.99.

After viewing the high star customer rating from readers who've read You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane on Amazon and also reading the summary, I was intrigued! I decided to buy You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane and began reading it.

You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane is a short nonfiction read at approximately 154 pages in length. This powerful little book discusses why one should not speak to the police without an attorney present, EVEN when you've not been arrested or charged with a crime and are only being asked to voluntarily speak with the police or other government official.

I found You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane to be a fascinating book to read. I have an entirely new perspective on what it means to talk to the police as an innocent person!! ANYTHING one says (however innocuous) to the police during an interview can be used to incriminate and used against an innocent person by the legal system to convict and send an innocent individual to jail... Do not talk to the police, PERIOD, without a lawyer being present is the VERY SIMPLE message of this book. There is an exception to this rule and it is discussed in the book.

James Duane is very qualified to talk about the law. I learned the following information about James Duane from reading his biography on his Amazon page:
James Duane received his A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard College in 1981, where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and his J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School in 1984, where he was a classmate of United States Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Professor Duane has practiced civil litigation and criminal defense for nearly thirty years. He serves on the faculty at Regent Law School in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where he has received the Faculty Excellence Award three times. He also taught as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at William & Mary Law School in Williamsburg, Virginia, in the fall of 2009 and 2011. He has served as a faculty associate at Harvard University’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society. He was awarded the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award by the Virginia State Council of Higher Education for Virginia in 2002. He is a member of the faculty at the National Trial Advocacy College at the University of Virginia School of Law, where he has taught since 1995, and has also taught constitutional law at the National Litigation Academy. He is a member of the panel of academic contributors to Black’s Law Dictionary. 
Professor Duane has been interviewed about legal matters on television and radio, including National Public Radio’s All Things Considered, and has testified before the Advisory Committee of the United States Judicial Conference on the Federal Rules of Evidence. He has lectured at conferences and training sessions conducted by Hastings Law School, the College of William and Mary, the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys, the Louisiana Trial Lawyers Association, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, and the office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, among others. He is a member of the Boyd-Graves Conference of the Virginia Bar Association, and is admitted to practice before the courts of New York and Virginia, and numerous federal courts. In 2008, he gave a talk at Regent Law School about some of the reasons why even innocent criminal suspects should never agree to answer questions from the police, and that video has been viewed by millions of viewers on YouTube.
James Duane cites several real life instances where innocent people have been convicted of crimes they didn't commit because they talked willingly to the police when they thought they had nothing to hide because of their innocence. What these individuals said during police interviews was incriminating and the police were able to use what they said during the interrogation to convict them of a crime! And sometimes innocent individuals confessed to crimes they they didn't commit after long hours of being interrogated by the police.

James Duane also discusses why saying nothing to the police can be just as damaging as talking to the police. Also, pleading the 5th can be just as damaging as well and he states why in his book. James Duane also mentions what to say to the police and why when they want to speak with you.

As much as I enjoyed reading You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane and gained a new perspective on why not to speak to the police (especially if you're innocent), the downside for me of this book was that I felt at times like the writing was a tad bit sensationalized/over the top. I understand where James Duane is coming from and why he says not to talk to the police without a lawyer present... But now, after reading You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane, I'd be too terrified to speak with the police without a lawyer being present as it could jeopardize my personal freedom if I do so.

The following is a summary for You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane from Amazon:
An urgent, compact manifesto that will teach you how to protect your rights, your freedom, and your future when talking to police.
Law professor James J. Duane became a viral sensation thanks to a 2008 lecture outlining the reasons why you should never agree to answer questions from the police—especially if you are innocent and wish to stay out of trouble with the law. In this timely, relevant, and pragmatic new book, he expands on that presentation, offering a vigorous defense of every citizen’s constitutionally protected right to avoid self-incrimination. Getting a lawyer is not only the best policy, Professor Duane argues, it’s also the advice law-enforcement professionals give their own kids.
Using actual case histories of innocent men and women exonerated after decades in prison because of information they voluntarily gave to police, Professor Duane demonstrates the critical importance of a constitutional right not well or widely understood by the average American. Reflecting the most recent attitudes of the Supreme Court, Professor Duane argues that it is now even easier for police to use your own words against you. This lively and informative guide explains what everyone needs to know to protect themselves and those they love.
I am giving You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane a rating of 4 stars out of 5 stars. 

As far as my reading goals go for 2018, You Have The Right To Remain Innocent by James Duane is the 2nd of 12 books I plan to read, which I obtained after May 2014.

Until my next post, happy reading!!

Saturday, January 6, 2018

22 Reasons To Be Thankful For Indie Bookstores!!

Independent bookstores are the best! I am sure we can all list several reasons why we love visiting them... But just in case you need some reasons to give your local, independent bookstore some much needed love, then read the following Buzzfeed article titled, 22 Reasons We're Thankful For Independent Bookstores by Arianna Rebolini.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Donald Trump's Attempt To Stop The Publication Of 'Fire And Fury' Makes News

I didn't even realize (until this morning) that there was a new nonfiction book coming out about Donald Trump titled, 'Fire And Fury'. 

I discovered this bit of news in an article published this morning on Bustle's website titled, Donald Trump's Attempt To Stop The Publication Of 'Fire And Fury' Should Concern Anyone Who Believes In The First Amendment by Kristian Wilson. 

In the article, Kristian Wilson wrote the following:
The letter sent to Wolff and Henry Holt & Co. by Trump's lawyer demands that the author and publisher "immediately cease and desist from any further publication, release or dissemination of the book," on the grounds that it is a work of "actual malice": a legal term defined by the Supreme Court of the U.S. as a piece of journalism that is either known by the author to be false at the time of publication, or one that was written and published with "reckless disregard for the truth." In order for a public figure to win a libel suit against a reporter, they must prove that the report in question meets the above criteria, but that's difficult to do. If Jerry Falwell couldn't bring a successful libel suit against Hustler for saying that he committed incest with his mother in an outhouse, it's unlikely that Trump will be able to take down Fire and Fury by the same means.

What's more concerning here is that Trump attempted to exercise prior restraint against the press, an action that has long been held in conflict with the First Amendment, and has been rejected numerous times by the Supreme Court. Trump's cease-and-desist letter smacks of a similar route taken by then-President Richard Nixon in 1971, when he tried to halt the publication of the Pentagon Papers — an insider's look at the harsh realities of the Vietnam War — in The New York Times and The Washington Post. SCOTUS ruled against Nixon, and the Papers went public on June 30 of that year.
If Michael Wolff, the author of 'Fire And Fury', has in fact "based the book on over 200 insider interviews with Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and other White House staffers", then I do not understand why/how Trump can even attempt to ban 'Fire And Fury' if the book is based on physical interviews?

No surprise, but 'Fire And Fury' is the #1 Best Seller in books on Amazon right now! 

I've already hear/read enough news for free about Donald Trump through various media news sources, so reading an entire book on Donald Trump is very unappealing to me. I do not need further convincing that he is unfit to run our nation.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Here's A List Of Short Audiobooks To Enjoy Listening To!!

Looking to include more reading into your life??? I came across an article on Bustle's website titled, 11 Short Audiobooks You Can Get Through In A Single Workout Session by Kerri Jarema. In the article, Kerri Jarema writes the following:
Come January, there are two New Year's resolutions I hear from the people in my life more often than any others. "I want to read more" and "I want to exercise more." I'm always on board with both of these (though I tend to find the reading easier to do than the exercising....) We all know that moving our bodies, in whatever way we choose, can have a huge positive effect on both our physical and mental well-being, from reducing stress and anxiety to lowering the risk for disease. And reading can do much the same to enrich our lives. Books teach us empathy, and help improve our relationships with the people around us. Plus, both exercise and reading can be super fun additions to our lives.
But, in many ways they may seem like opposing actions. Exercise is movement. Reading is sedentary. So how will ever find time to dedicate to the two? Combine them! Audiobooks are one of the best ways to get more reading time in while your body is on the go. And there are options in every genre and age-group to choose from. So, whether you're walking, stretching, cycling, running, doing yoga or going to the gym, these audiobooks will pair perfectly with whatever physical activity you've taken on this year.
I love listening to audiobooks immensely and have included more audiobooks into my life the past few years. I find myself listening to audiobooks while enjoying my other hobby of knitting, while commuting on long trips, while eating meals alone at home, and doing other simple activities as well. 

I love being read to and have found that really good narrators only enhance my overall reading experience. Do you enjoy listening to audiobooks? If so, share your experience in the comment section below!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Protected Mate by J. H. Croix

Erotica Novella eBook
Protected Mate by J. H. Croix may not be the first book I began reading in 2018, but it is the first one I've finished reading in 2018!!

Protected Mate by J. H. Croix is a paranormal romance/erotica novella approximately 156 pages in length. It is also the first book in the Catamount Lion Shifters Series.

I was able to download Protected Mate by J. H. Croix for FREE to my Kindle from Amazon.

Below is my honest, unbiased review of Protected Mate by J. H. Croix.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading Protected Mate by J. H. Croix!! It is a very steamy, paranormal romance novella filled with good characters and decent storyline. The ending of Protected Mate by J. H. Croix felt rushed and abrupt, which is my only major complaint for this novella. 

Even though I enjoyed reading Protected Mate by J. H. Croix, I think I will skip reading the rest of the series.

As far as my reading goals go for 2018, Protected Mate by J. H. Croix is the 1st of 12 books I plan to read, which I've obtained after May 2014. 

Below is a plot summary for Protected Mate by J. H. Croix from Amazon:
Dane Ashworth, a sexy, solitary mountain lion shifter, comes from one of the founding shifter families of Catamount, a town deep in the woods of Maine where mountain lion shifters have existed in secret for centuries. The community is in turmoil after the startling death of a shifter. In the midst of upheaval in Catamount, Dane encounters the unassuming, curvy and deliciously sexy Chloe Silver.
Chloe set out to hike the famed Appalachian Trail in the aftermath of heartbreak. She’s lived a well-planned life, only to learn that the best laid plans could blow up in her face. She’s looking for a fresh start, but trust doesn’t come easily for her. The mere idea of shifters has never crossed her mind, but Dane calls to her in a way that no man ever has. She finds herself tossed and turned by the depth of her attraction to him. The mountain lion in Dane knows Chloe is meant for him, but he has to find a way to earn her trust and make her believe in him and in what lies between them. Passion burns like wildfire between them while events in Catamount put them both in danger. In a love story filled with passion, steamy romance, adventure, betrayal and secrets, Chloe will have to decide if she can accept Dane for who he is, and if she’s willing to believe in the power of love.
I am giving Protected Mate by J. H. Croix a rating of 4 stars out of 5 stars! 

Until my next post, happy reading!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday ~ Top Ten New-To-Me Fiction Authors I Read In 2017

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!

Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Have fun with it! It's a fun way to get to know your fellow bloggers.

Below (in no particular order of preference) are my favorite new-to-me fiction authors of 2017. 

1. Ebony Olson ~ I loved her novel, Black Mark's Resistance.
2. Susan Rivers ~ I loved her novel, The Second Mrs. Hockaday.
3. Mary Frame ~ I loved her novel, Imperfect Chemistry.
4. Amy Engel ~ I loved her novel, The Roanoke Girls.
5. Gwendolyn Grace ~ I loved her novel, Kentucky on the Rocks.
6. Gabby Rivera ~ I loved her novel, Juliet Takes A Breath.
7. Jesper Bugge Kold ~ I loved his novel, Winter Men.
8. Han Kang ~ I loved her novel, The Vegetarian.
9. Jo Noelle ~ I enjoyed her novel, All By My Selfie.
10. Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez ~ I enjoyed his graphic novel, La Borinqueña #1

Which new to you authors did you enjoy reading the most in 2017?

Monday, January 1, 2018

My First Reads For 2018!!

Happy New Year to YOU!! 
Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2018!

I hope you are kicking off 2018 with a great book to read. I've selected two books to begin reading in the new year. Both of them are nonfiction reads.

The first book I've chosen to read at the start of 2018 is an uncorrected proof copy of Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, And Revolution In Trump's America edited by Sumhita Mukhopadhyay and Kate Harding, which I received through Goodreads Giveaways.

The second book I've chosen to read at the start of 2018 is Healing Yourself With Self-Hypnosis by Frank Caprio, MD and Joseph R. Berger and revised by Dr. Caroline Miller. I've been dealing with insomnia and fatigue for longer than I care to admit. I am hoping that the self-hypnosis techniques provided can help me improve my sleep quality for the perfect night of sleep.

So, tell me about what you're reading at the start of 2018 in the comments section below.