Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ursula K. Le Guin’s Portland, Oregon Home Will Become a Writers Residency

I recently read an article posted on AP NEWS'S website titled,
Ursula K. Le Guin’s home will become a writers residency by Hillel Italie. In the article, I learned the following information:
Downes-Le Guin, who also serves as his mother’s literary executor, now hopes to give contemporary authors access to her old writing space. Literary Arts, a community nonprofit based in Portland, Oregon, announced Monday that Le Guin’s family had donated their three-story house for what will become the Ursula K. Le Guin Writers Residency.

No date has been set for when the residency will begin. Literary Arts has launched a fundraising campaign for maintaining the house and for operating an office in town.

I love this idea of using Ms. Le Guin's former residence in Portland, Oregon as the Ursula K. Le Guin Writers Residency! Hopefully, the residency program will start soon.

Click on the top link to read the entire article in full.

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