Monday, June 24, 2024

Alta Journal's California Book Club - Javier Zamora - Solito


I love attending author events!! Since the pandemic hit four years ago, all of the author events I've attended since then have been virtual ones. Virtual events are convenient for so many reasons.

On Thursday, June 20th @ 5pm Pacific Time, I attended Alta Journal's California Book Club virtual event featuring Javier Zamora discussing his memoir, Solito.

I have yet to read Solito. I look forward to reading it! Solito sounds amazing. I enjoy reading about the immigrant experience. In Solito, the author writes about his journey to the USA from El Salvdor as a 9 year old child back in 1999. He left behind his grandparents and aunt to join his mother whom he hasn't seen in four years and a father he barely remembers. The journey takes something like two months.

In general, I enjoy reading memoirs and learning about the lives of others that are so different from my own. I truly believe that we are all interconnected by the human condition. By understanding the lives of others, it helps us to become more compassionate and empathetic to the way others have lived their lives.

Have you read Solito? If so, what did you think of it?

Also have you attended any recent author events?

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