Thursday, June 20, 2024

Do You Buy, Read, and Collect Books That Pertain to Your Hobbies?

A few of the recent editions to my knitting book collection!!

I knit. So, with that in mind, I do collect physical, nonfiction books that pertain to knitting. I do not have a huge collection of knitting books. My collection of knitting books is small. I hope to add more knitting books to my collection over time.

Do you have a hobby like cooking, gardening, knitting, crocheting, quilting, coin or stamp collecting, etc? If so, do you buy, collect, and read books that pertain to your hobby?


  1. I have several shelves filled with birding and gardening books that I've collected over many years going back to the '80s. I've slowed down on collecting recently but I still treasure the books that I have.

    1. Awesome! I love that you have a vast collection of books on both birding and gardening.

  2. I do a little bit...I own a few books on quilting and mixed media collage...but I try not to go overboard. And sometimes I check them out of the library first to see if they're worth owning.

    1. I like your idea about checking books out from the public library to see if they are worth buying. That is a worthwhile idea.

  3. I'm a stamper, so - of course - I have tons of books on stamping, making cards etc. And hubby and I both love cooking, so there are lots and lots of cook books in the house.

    1. Oh, how cool! Stamping and card making sounds like so much fun. A friend of mine use to make annual holiday cards using stamping. How wonderful that you and your husband enjoy cooking together! I know a couple of people that enjoy cooking and collect vintage cookbooks.

    2. I do that too, Lisa. It's so much fun and everybody loves to receive them.
      Cooking together is also great but the best is that I don't have to cook every day, we also take turns, so the other one can enjoy a home cooked meal as if he were in a restaurant.

    3. Marianne, that is nice you both take turns cooking meals for each other.

    4. We both have our specialties but we also help each other whenever needed.
