Sunday, June 23, 2024

New to Me Little Free Library in Danville, California


Two days ago, my husband and I visited a new
to us Little Free Library in the small town 
of Danville, California. This one was cute and well organized.

We made our visit to this LFL in the early
afternoon and boy, was the weather ever hot by then!
Summer surely has arrived in our next of the woods.

Have you visited any LFLs lately?


  1. How cute is that! I love it.

    1. LFLs are so much fun to find!! i revisit ones I've found previously every so often, but I also enjoy finding new to me ones while on day trips, vacations, visiting family, or simply in new parts of town doing errands. I do try and carry books with me so that I can exchange books should I happen upon an LFL, which has happened.

    2. I love that you carry books with you just in case. :D

    3. When I learned about LFLs in 2012, there weren't many around. So, I never thought to carry books with me just in case I stumbled across one.

      My husband and I use to geocache together as hobby. During our searches to find geocaches, there were a couple of times we discovered LFLs near where we found geocaches. Then there were other times I'd see a couple of LFLs with my mom too. Ever since then, I brought books with me that I was ready to part with in case I found a LFL while I was out and about running errands or what not.
