Thursday, March 20, 2025

A Blog Milestone Has Been Reached!!


Earlier this month, I noticed that my little book blog has surpassed one million page views mark!! This was exciting for me to witness. I never thought I'd be blogging this long... Nor, did I ever think about reaching one million page views from readers like you.

I simply wanted to have fun sharing book reviews, bookish quotes, author, library, and other bookish related news, my journey of discovery throughout the years, whether attending book festivals, author signing events, new to me indie bookstore, Little Free Libraries, etc. with other avid readers and book lovers.

Thank you for taking the time to peruse my book blog over the years! I appreciate all of my followers and everyone who has left me comments.


  1. Congrats on this milestone! Keep sharing your love for reading. I'm here waiting for your next reviews.

    1. Thank you, Lux!! I will hopefully have a new book review out soon.

  2. Wow! One million page views...that's awesome. Congrats!
