Monday, November 11, 2019

Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac.

In October of this year, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I read Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac.

I found Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac. to be a fascinating book. I think Breast Cancer Boot Camp is well written and organized. It contains a lot of educational information about optimal breast health.

I feel like Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac. is a must read for every woman wanting to reduce their risk for breast cancer. Currently, the U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics states that "about 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime."  

As a woman, I've always been interested in learning more about breast health and monitoring my breast health through the use of thermography in addition to mammography and ultrasound. The reason I like using multiple modalities to screen/check for breast cancer is that "a mammogram is only 48 percent accurate for women under fifty and 68 percent for women over 50." (page 245 in Breast Cancer Boot Camp). 

I also like that thermography is noninvasive and doesn't use radiation. But it is very important to find a certified breast thermography center.

Breast Thermography Finds Cancer Before Mammography

I've had several thermograms performed by Wendy Sellens over the years. Wendy is extremely professional. She is thoughtful and knowledgeable. Wendy has helped educate me in improving my overall breast health. I've made some significant lifestyle changes already and am now ready to incorporate a few additional lifestyle changes as well. It's all about being informed and feeling empowered.

Below is the summary for Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac. from Goodreads:

Bio-identical estrogens, flax, and soy create weight gain, infertility, accelerate aging, and increase risk for breast cancer. Learn how the myth of staying young with estrogen has caused a 210% rise in breast cancer even with advancements in medical technology, increased research, and awareness. If around 80% of breast cancers are "fed" by estrogens, why do doctors and "wellness centers" continue to prescribe them? Why is the answer to every female issue more estrogen?
The answers can be found in breast thermography, a safe screening procedure that begins in the twenties which monitors blood circulation in the breasts and determines individual risk for early detection.
It is time to take up arms and expose the deceptions which saturate the breast health community. Breast Cancer Boot Camp's thermographic evidence will reveal how misinformation and propaganda are increasing your risk with "natural" estrogens. Learn how estrogen deficiency is actually rare, PMS and symptoms of menopause are not normal, and that bio-identical estrogen is just as harmful as HRTs. Learn how most breast thermography clinics are not meeting the minimum standard requirements which provide you with vital breast risk information.
Today, we women are caught up in a battle for our breasts and our lives. Our mothers and grandmothers have paid the high price of believing in medical rumors. Do not let these victims become more statistics to fill headlines and further the "cause" for more walks. It is time to arm yourself with knowledge. Simply look at the images...the findings will shock every woman!
I am giving Breast Cancer Boot Camp by William B. Hobbins M.D. & Wendy Sellens L.Ac. a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 stars. 

The only reason I didn't give this book a higher rating was because some of the information was repeated several times throughout the book making some of the information repetitive.

Until my next post, happy reading!!


  1. 12 % of all women getting Breast Cancer is an outrageously high number. Hopefully medical advances will continue and that number, as well as the survival rate will continue to improve.

    1. Yes, 12% is very high indeed!! The interesting fact to me is that a woman's risk for getting invasive breast cancer use to be a lot lower!!

      The risk factor for breast cancer has risen 210% in recent decades due to the use of bio-identical estrogens (HRTs), hormone related birth control, phytoestrogens like soy and flax, etc. All of which is explained in Breast Cancer Boot Camp.

      Breast Cancer Boot Camp explains that 80% of breast cancers are fed by estrogen... so reducing the amount of estrogen lowers ones risk for breast cancer.

  2. Replies
    1. Fine, you don't have to like the cover. The content inside the book is what matters most to me. Cheers!

  3. This sounds like a very important book with a lot of valuable information for women. I was not even aware of the technique of thermography, but I am intrigued.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and leaving me a comment. Thermography is a powerful screening tool, BUT it is very important to find a certified breast thermography center that uses the right camera for this screening with a person who is properly trained to read the images.

  4. I am glad to know there is a book with so much knowledge about breast cancer. Great review.
