Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Voices in the Snow by Darcy Coates

I listened to the unabridged audio version of Voices in the Snow by Darcy Coates and narrated by Angela Dawe. Voices in the Snow is the first novel in the Black Winter series. This novel falls into the atmospheric horror genre. However, it also contains zombies and an apocalypse theme. If you're into this type of genre, then this may be the novel/series for you. Angela Dawe is a good narrator too!

Horror and apocalypse books with zombies aren't my go to types of novels to read. However, Darcy Coates seems to be a popular horror writer among readers. With that in mind, I wanted to give another one of her novels a try since the previous novel I'd read by Darcy Coates earlier this year was likable, but not fantastic, in my opinion.

I felt that Voices in the Snow by Darcy Coates was overall a good read, but started off slowly for roughly the first half of the novel. It finally picked up the last half of the novel. I liked the two main characters a lot and the overall premise of the novel. The writing is good. I am just not that curious to carry on with reading the remaining three novels in the Black Winter series.

Below is the plot summary for Voices in the Snow by Darcy Coates from Amazon's website:
Clare remembers the cold. She remembers abandoned cars and children's toys littered across the road. She remembers dark shapes in the snow and a terror she can't explain. And then... nothing. When she wakes, aching and afraid in a stranger's gothic home, he tells her she was in an accident, a crash in the snow. He claims he saved her. Clare wants to leave, but a vicious snowstorm has blanketed the world in white, trapping them together, and there's nothing she can do but wait.

At least the stranger seems kind... but Clare doesn't know if she can trust him. He promised they were alone here, but she sees and hears things that convince her something else is creeping about the surrounding woods, watching. Waiting. Between the claustrophobic storm and the inescapable sense of being hunted, Clare is on edge... and increasingly certain of one thing:

Her car crash wasn't an accident. Something is waiting for her to step outside the fragile safety of the house... something monstrous, something unfeeling.

Something desperately hungry.

I am giving Voices in the Snow by Darcy Coates a rating of 3 stars out of 5 stars.

Until my next post, happy reading!


  1. Not my cup of tea, I think. I'll be giving this one a miss.

    1. I'd say this is a good idea if it isn't your cup of tea.

  2. I've mostly just read her ghost stories. I haven't tried any of the books in this series. The Carrow Haunt is probably my favorite book by her although I also liked Craven Manor and The Haunting of Rookward House. Gallows Hill was pretty good, too.

    1. Thanks for recommending which reads you've read my Darcy Coates. I have her novel Hunted and also Where He Can't Find You in my 'tbr' pile.
