Monday, May 13, 2024

New to Me Little Free Library in Pleasanton, California


My husband and I ran some errands yesterday morning. One of our stops was at a nearby Little Free Library in Pleasanton, California. I left four paperback books and took one book home with me. I enjoyed finding this cute LFL near a cute local park.

Have you found any Little Free Libraries lately?


  1. Replies
    1. I like it too!! Half the fun of discovering new LFLs is seeing what they look like... The other half is finding which books they contain!

  2. I own a Little Free Library, and it's such a great way to connect with other readers. I love scouting for Little Free Libraries too, but unfortunately we don't have many in our area. Have a good week!

    1. I love scouting for new LFLS too! We have loads of them where we live with new ones popping up fairly regularly the past decade. I enjoy finding LFLs on day trips and also while on vacation.
