Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Words Can Be DANGEROUS!! Banned Books. Plus, a Banned Book Museum!


Did you know there is a Banned Books Museum in Tallinn, Estonia? Well, I didn't know this factoid until watching a fabulous video created and posted on RobWords's YouTube Channel two nights ago! The Banned Book Museum also hosts a monthly banned books club where they read and discuss a banned book virtually via Zoom, which sounds pretty cool if you ask me.

I've become a fan of RobWords YouTube Channel and am a recent subscriber to the channel. The RobWords YouTube Channel is dedicated to language facts and etymology fun.

Anyway, I enjoy reading banned books. I also enjoy learning why certain books have been banned. And, of course, learning about a banned book museum in the above video also make for an educational experience as well. If these topics are of interest to you too, then please check out the above YouTube video... The video is just under 18 minutes in length.

Until my next post, happy reading!!


  1. A Banned Books Museum - what an excellent idea!

    1. It would be great to have a banned book museum here in the USA... That's if there isn't one already!
