Saturday, September 9, 2023

The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling


I've found paranormal romance/fantasy to be very hit or miss to be honest. I purchase a lot of my audiobooks these days through as they do not require a subscription like Audible does and Chirp offers several daily deals each day. So, when I noticed the The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling deeply discounted through Chirp's website, I thought why not try this trilogy? After all, I do like paranormal romance/fantasy occasionally, discovering new to me authors, and also the storyline sounded interesting enough... Plus, the average rating for this trilogy is currently 4.3 stars out of 5 stars with 450+ reviewers. So, The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling sounded like a series not to be passed up.

Well, quite frankly, I was disappointed with The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling. The best part of the The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling is that it was well narrated by Piper Goodeve... Let me state that again, the best part of the The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling is that it was well narrated by Piper Goodeve. This trilogy had so much potential!! But I felt it flopped BIG TIME. I can't understand all of the good reviews for this trilogy.

I liked the narration as stated for The Moon Marked Trilogy, along with the premise of this trilogy, and lastly, that it is a paranormal romance. 

However, there was too much senseless drama/action throughout the The Moon Marked Trilogy for the sake of drama/action... It felt like the senseless drama/action was the author's weak attempt to propel the story/plot along. I think there were better ways to develop the storyline than through the endless treadmill of action sequences and drama. I was so bored by the storyline and characters by the end of this trilogy, that I was simply glad it over with.

Additionally, Mai Fairchild's younger sister is a whiny, brat who pitches a fit in most of the scenes we see her in, which grew very old after a while.

As far as paranormal romances go, there was little of it in The Moon Marked Trilogy... There was always the promise that Mai was going to hook up with the alpha werewolf, but there was always something that interfered with their romance until the end of the last novel. Even then, there was little romance to satisfy the reader.

Below is the plot summary for The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling from Chirp's website:

I’m Mai Fairchild — fox shifter, sister’s keeper, and bane of the local werewolf pack. In a world where different is dangerous, my sister and I must pretend to be human at all costs. Too bad I just lost the job that lets me live under the radar while putting food on my sister’s plate.

Enter an enticing werewolf who offers enough cash to upgrade our diets from ramen noodles to salami if I join him on a magical hunt. But can I afford to accept the opportunity when the risk of working closely with every fox shifter’s sworn enemy is so great?

I am generously giving The Moon Marked Trilogy by Aimee Easterling a rating of 2 stars out of 5 stars.

Until my post, happy reading!!!