Wednesday, September 26, 2012

International Book Week Meme

Here are the rules of the International Book Week Meme according to the Wikipedia site: 

Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 52, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don't mention the title. 

My sentence is as follows:

"The youth ran quickly and seized the girl and kissed her before she had the chance to throw salt into the stew."

Okay, now it's your turn to play! Grab the nearest book to you and share with me the 5th sentence found on page 52! Have fun and I look forward to reading the sentences you leave in the comment section. :-)

As a side note, I learned through Wikipedia the following about International Book Week:
International Book Week is an awareness week mentioned in a socially generated internet meme where users of social networking sites share arbitrary lines from nearby books. Unlike globally publicised events such as World Book Day, International Book Week is not a formally established awareness week, and does not exist outside of the meme.
Share the International Book Week Meme on your blog or social networking and see what sentences you'll find yourself reading!


  1. This is a different book than I had the first time I did this. :-)

    "They sat in silence for awhile longer and then descended the old tree and headed for home."

  2. 'Dirk squatted down between in the boy and the screen'

