Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday - Bookish and Non-Bookish Goals for 2025

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl. Top Ten Tuesday was originally created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Below are ten things I am hoping to achieve during 2025 that are book related.

1. Read 52 books this year. I think reading one book a week is attainable. If I am able to read more books, then great!

2. Reading books I have in my current collection!! I tend to add way too many books to my 'to be read' pile throughout each year than I could possibly read. 

So, in an effort to whittle down my endless 'to be read' pile, I will attempt to curb my book addiction and not add anymore books to my current collection until next year. This will be a difficult task for me as I love trading books with others via Bookcrossing and also exchange books at Little Free Libraries. Plus, purchasing audiobooks via Chirp or ebooks from Amazon. Wish me luck on curbing my book addiction this year!!

3. Continue to visit Little Free Libraries this year and leave as many used books behind as possible for others to find and read. I hope to find new to me LFLs as well. I found 27 new to me LFLs in 2024.

4. Continue attending virtual author events as time and interest permits this year. I love attending virtual author events and attended several of them last year from the comfort of my own home.

5. Reorganize my bookshelves! I need to reorganize my books in a better way that makes finding books easier. Plus, make my bookshelves look more aesthetically pleasing.

6. Work on improving my knitting skills.

7. Finish knitting several works in progress.

8. Knit a tie for my husband.

9. Continue learning to crochet.

10. I gained 20 pounds last year! So, lose the weight this year I've gained through better eating habits and begin to exercise again.

What are your bookish and/or non-bookish goals for 2025?


  1. OOh nice set of goals here! I'm aiming for 50 books myself, I guess I should just do 52 but sometimes a big long book takes longer to read and then I feel stressed out that I can't meet it in time...even though I usually get over 50, I like to just leave it at something manageable so I am not stressing all year! Already stressed a little bit this year when I was sick for the first week of the year and couldn't read at all, I fell behind in my challenge before I even begun! Lol.

    Good luck with all of your goals!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Thank you! Good luck with your reading goals this year.

  2. Love your bookish goals! And I need to lose weight this year, too. Ugh. Why is it so easy to put the pounds on and so hard to lose them? Good luck with all of these! :D

    1. Thank you!! Yes, it is so easy to put on the pounds!! It didn't help that I had surgery last fall that kept me from my regular exercise routine and from Thanksgiving forward I ate way too much food during the holidays.

  3. Those are all great goals. Good luck with achieving them. With persistence, you can do it. As for me my only reading related goal is the one I have every year - to read what I want when I want and then write a review of it. Other than that, I don't really set goals for myself anymore; I'm happy to take life as it comes.

    1. Thank you! I like that you keep your reading goals simple! I also like the idea of taking life as it comes in terms of reading as hobbies are supposed to fun.

  4. I’m trying to lose some weight, too. Good luck!

    1. Good luck to you on the weight loss as well. It always seems easier to gain the weight then lose it.

  5. I love that you go out looking for Little Free Libraries. That's such a fun idea! I have a LFL, but it's packed full right now and I have a big stack of books to donate. I'm going to drive around and find some LFLs to put them in. Thanks for the inspo!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Happy TTT toy you as well!! Glad I inspired you to find some LFLs to leave your books at this year. I even blog about my new LFL finds throughout the year!!

  6. I crochet! However, I can only do blankets and scarves because their straight lines, lol. I've gotten some other kits to see if I can improve and advance a little, but that dreaded circle gets me every time. Good luck with your goals!

    1. It sounds like you're doing really well with crochet! I just started crocheting late last year and have completed two projects. I have two more crochet projects in the works now.... Fingerless gloves.

  7. Good luck with your goals this year! I really need to get back into walking. I tell myself every day I will. And then I don't. I hope you have a great 2025!

    1. Good luck with returning to walking. That's my go to form of exercise.
